JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) ratified the Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages or Revision of Village Law in a plenary meeting, Thursday, March 28.

One of the crucial points in this bill is the extension of the term of office of the village head to a maximum of 8 years and two terms. The plenary session, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, asked all members of the Council whether to approve the bill to be passed as Law (UU). "Is the Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law No. 6/2014 on Villages can be approved to be ratified into law? Agree," said the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani. "Agree," said all the other board members followed by the hammering.

A number of village officials present on the balcony of the courtroom seemed to stand narrowing their hands up while applauding.

Previously, the Chairman of the Legislation Body of the DPR RI, Supratman Andi Agtas, explained that the agreed discussion of the Village Bill consisted of 26 figures of changes.

Broadly speaking, a number of crucial changes in the Village Bill that were ratified were regarding the provisions of Article 39 regarding the term of office of the Village Head which was 8 years and could be chosen for a maximum of two terms.

Then, the insertion of Article 5A concerning the provision of conservation funds and/or rehabilitation funds; provisions of Article 26, Article 50A, and Article 62 plus arrangements related to the provision of complete allowances for duty once at the end of the term of office of the Village Head, BPD, and Village Apparatus according to the ability of the Village finance;

Then the insertion of Article 34A related to the requirements for the number of candidates for Village Heads in the Pilkades; provisions of Article 72 related to village income sources; provisions of Article 118 related to transitional provisions; and provisions of Article 121A related to Monitoring and Review of the Law.

Previously, several times village officials from a number of regions held demonstrations in front of the DPR RI Building. They demanded that the ratification of the Village Bill be ratified immediately.

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