JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has prepared 3 alternative routes to divert vehicle flow on the Demak-Kudus Pantura Line which was cut off due to flooding.

It is known that flooding occurred at several points of the Pantura Line due to heavy rains and the collapse of the Wulan River embankment.

"If there will be flooding in the same place as Demak Kudus, we have prepared 3 alternative routes to divert the flow," said Head of Traffic Police, Inspector General Aan Suhanan, to reporters, Thursday, March 28.

The alternative sections include through Sayung-Purwodadi-Blora-Rembang. Then, the Semarang-Kedungmundu-Kudus route and finally the Semarang-Purwodadi-Blora-Rembang route.

However, Aan said that the Umun Works and Spatial Planning or PUPR were repairing roads damaged by the flood. It is hoped that if flooding does not happen again, the route can be passed.

"So the post-flood route, especially at KM 41 to 45, was severely affected in Demak Kudus, yes, from PUPR, it has guaranteed that the time for this repair work is already 95 stable," he said.

Not only that, the National Police have also mapped disaster-prone points during homecoming. Thus, anticipatory steps and follow-up have been prepared.

"We have also prepared alternatives in places that are prone to disasters, we have mapped them with Mr. Asops, there are 155 points that we mapped disaster-prone, including flood disasters," said Aan.

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