JAKARTA - Presidential Special Staff for Legal Affairs Dini Purwono spoke about the name of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who is often mentioned during the trial for disputes over the results of general elections (PHPU) at the Constitutional Court (MK), Wednesday, March 27.

Dini explained that the government, in this case the president, does not need to prepare a defense because the president is not one of the disputed parties.

"Yes, the government does not see relevance in this case because the government is not a party in the presidential election dispute and therefore there is no reason to be involved in the Constitutional Court trial," he continued.

Dini said that whoever gave the allegations and allegations must be able to prove it in court.

"In every legal effort, it is known and the general principle applies that anyone who argued something is obliged to prove these arguments or accusations. So, we'll see how the evidence will be in court and we are waiting for the Constitutional Court's decision," he said in a written statement, Thursday, March 28.

Previously, Dini also explained that PHPU is the domain of the Constitutional Court. He said the constitution had provided a legal mechanism that election participants could take that did not accept the determination of the election results by the KPU.

"Constitutions and laws and regulations have provided legal mechanisms and constitutional channels that can be pursued by election participants who do not accept election determination by the KPU," he explained.

As is known, the Ganjar-Mahfud legal team previously said that President Jokowi violated three types of political ethics because he was suspected of interfering in the 2024 presidential election.

The Ganjar-Mahfud legal team had mentioned the alleged ethical violations originating from the law, state goals, and violations of the oath of office.

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