Mahfud MD delivered his opening speech at the inaugural trial of the 2024 presidential election dispute at the Constitutional Court (MK) with the applicant for presidential and vice presidential candidates number 3.

In front of the Constitutional Court judge, Mahfud admitted that he understood that the task of handling election disputes was a tough thing for the panel of judges. In fact, the Constitutional Court judge experienced an inner war when he issued his decision.

"We know, it is really difficult for the Constitutional Court in the dispute over the results of this election. Someone always comes to the judges who encourage this request to be rejected and some come and ask the Constitutional Court to grant it," Mahfud said at the Constitutional Court building, Thursday, March 27.

However, Mahfud said, it was not always the one who came to the Constitutional Court judges that was the problem and the institution, but the two sides of their respective conscience.

"Those who come encourage and ask that it does not have to be people or institutions but rather a war of whispers in their conscience between'mutamainnah' and 'amang'. I understand that it is not easy for judges to resolve the inner war well," said Mahfud.

However, Mahfud hopes that the panel of judges can take important steps to save the future of democracy and the law in Indonesia.

According to the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, there should not be a perception or even a habit that elections can only be won by those who have power or those who are close to power holders and have abundant money. "If this is allowed to happen, it means that our civilization will be reversed. We hope that the Panel of Judges of the Constitutional Court can work independently, with dignity, and respect," explained Mahfud.

The inaugural trial of the 2024 presidential election dispute was held in two sessions on Thursday, March 27. The trial which presented applicant Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar was held at 08.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, the trial for the applicant Ganjar-Mahfud was held at 13.00 WIB. The agenda for the inaugural trial is that the applicant conveys the main points of his petition in the trial.

The Ganjar-Mahfud team in their lawsuit asked the Constitutional Court to order the KPU to repeat the 2024 presidential election process no later than June 26, 2024.

Of course, on the condition that they do not include the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Not only that, but the Constitutional Court was also asked to disqualify Prabowo-Gibran as a contest and cancel the results of the 2024 presidential election vote count.

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