YOGYAKARTA The schedule and stages of the 2024 election lawsuit are interesting to note. Currently, several parties have filed election dispute lawsuits with Mahkama Constitution (MK) which are represented to the legal team.

It should be noted that the registration for the 2024 election results dispute will start 3x24 hours, starting from the time the KPU announces its official results.

Apart from anyone who filed a lawsuit, this article will include a schedule and stage of the 2024 election lawsuit, based on Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 of 2024.

Please note, in this election, the Constitutional Court opens Disputes on Election Results for both the presidential and legislative elections. However, the 2024 presidential election PHPU session has a different schedule from the legislative PHPU, namely the DPR, DPRD, and DPD. The following is the schedule and stages of the 2024 presidential election lawsuit

Meanwhile, the schedule and stages of the 2024 Legislative Election lawsuit have begun in March. The following is the schedule and stages.

As is known, the KPU opens opportunities for parties who feel dissatisfied with the results of the 2024 General Election which are determined by submitting a Dispute on General Election Results (PHPU) to the Constitutional Court (MK). The Constitutional Court itself opens registration for the PHPU period from Thursday, March 21 to March 23, 2024.

The first party to apply for PHPU to the Constitutional Court was the legal team from the candidate pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies-Muhaimin. They arrived at the Constitutional Court Building at 09.00 WIB.

Similar, the candidate pairs participating in the presidential election in the 2024 General Election with serial number 03 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD also visited the Constitutional Court on Saturday, March 23 at around 17.00 WIB.

Applicants included in the series of lawsuits resulting from the General Election to the Constitutional Court were submitted by various parties ranging from party cadres to political parties. For example, the United Development Party (PPP) filed a lawsuit against the election results on the grounds that the party lost a lot of votes.

Another party, namely the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), also filed a dispute over the 2024 General Election. PSI assessed that there was a difference between the results of the KPU version of the vote count and the PSI C1 version of the count.

One of the highlights is the application for election disputes submitted by a PAN legislative candidate named Sungkono. He filed a lawsuit against his party friend, Arizal Tom Liwafe. PAN suspects that there is a vote inflation in 19 provinces.

That is the schedule and stages of the 2024 election lawsuit. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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