BOGOR - Chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, provided notes and input to the Bogor City Government in drafting the 2025 Regional Apparatus Work Plan (RKPD) at the Planning and Development Deliberation (Musrenbang) held by the Regional Development Planning and Research Agency (Bapperida) of Bogor City.
Atang encourages the Bogor City Government to develop a 2025 work program that focuses on solving poverty and unemployment problems. "In accordance with the essence of regional development, the Regional Government is obliged to increase community income, job opportunities, business opportunities, access and quality of public services as well as regional competitiveness," explained Atang.
The development of the City of Bogor, which has been able to provide various conveniences and availability of public facilities, is considered necessary to be followed by the main essence of development that is able to overcome the economic difficulties of the community. From the results of recesses and down areas meeting with various levels of society, the Council found many complaints and findings about the economic difficulties of the community.
"In the region, we found a lot of unemployment and complaints about the economic difficulties faced by the community. Bappeda must be able to catch this fundamental problem and put it in the future development program," said Atang.
To solve the problem of poverty and unemployment, Atang explained that programs that need to be prioritized include improving the Quality and Accessibility of Education, Increasing Creative Economy, Establishing a New Economic Center, and Strengthening Micro and Medium Small Enterprises.
"In addition to building economic central points, developing the creative economy, and strengthening MSMEs, the Bogor City Government must also develop a long-term program to improve the quality of human resources (HR) through improving the quality and accessibility of education, so as to solve the problem of poverty and unemployment," said Atang.
Finally, Atang mentioned the issue of the not yet implementation of Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2021 concerning empowerment, development, and protection of cooperatives and micro-enterprises. According to him, the implementation of the regional regulation can answer the issue of poverty in Bogor City, because the community can be helped to develop the business even though it is small.
"Since this regional regulation was ratified, we at the DPRD have not seen the maximum division of programs and budgets. Even though our economy was saved by MSME actors during the pandemic. If this regional regulation can be implemented optimally, it is not impossible that the community's economy will gradually increase in the next few years," he concluded.
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