The Mataram District Attorney (Kejari) revealed that he was handling a case of alleged corruption in the management of grant funds from the Mataram National Sports Committee (KONI) for the 2021, 2022 and 2023 budget years, which amounted to Rp21.5 billion.

"The handling is still collecting data and information," said Head of the Mataram Kejari Intelligence Section Harun Alrasyid in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Thursday, March 21, as reported by Antara.

He explained, in 2021, KONI will manage a grant of IDR 2 billion. In 2022 it will be IDR 3.5 billion, and in 2023 it will be IDR 10 billion.

The suspected problematic grant funds run in the span of 2021 to 2023. Problems arise in managing grant funds for the development of athletes' achievements.

During the investigation process, Harun admitted that several government officials had complied with the invitation to ask for clarification, one of which was from the Mataram City Youth and Sports Service (Dispora) which was the source of the distribution of grant funds for KONI.

"We have asked the head of the head of the head of the office for initial information," he said.

Another effort in tracing the unlawful acts (PMH) of this alleged corruption was to request a report on the results of the examination (LHP) from the inspectorate regarding budget management at the Mataram City Dispora.

The Mataram City KONI manages grants sourced from regional budgets. In 2021, KONI will manage a grant of IDR 2 billion. In 2022 it will be IDR 3.5 billion, and in 2023 it will be IDR 10 billion, which if added up will reach IDR 21.5 billion.

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