Eight people died after tankers carried overturned South Korean (South Korean)-flagged chemicals on an island southwest of Japan.

The tanker carried 980 tons of acrylate acid, a corrosive compound used in adhesive, paint, and poles.

Quoting Metro.co.uk, Wednesday, March 20, Japanese coast guard said they received an emergency call from the chemical tanker named Keoyoung Sun.

The victims sought help because the ship they were traveling on was tilted by bad weather near Mitsure Island, Japan, about 620 miles from Tokyo.

When visited by the SAR team, the tanker overturned slowly by the ocean currents.

SAR stated that a crew member (ABK) survived. While eight were killed, and the other two were still missing after the tanker capsized.

Officers said the South Korean tanker had not leaked. However, officials from related institutions will investigate the cause of the incident and the impact if a leak occurs.

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