This Is The Minimum Support For KTP For Independent Cagub-Cawagub 2024 In DKI, Who Is The Interest?
National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) of DKI Jakarta has begun to prepare stages for the implementation of the DKI Jakarta Pilkada in 2024. In the initial stages of nomination, the KPU has scheduled a process of fulfilling the support requirements for pairs of individual or independent governor candidates starting May 5 to August 19. Referring to Law Number 10 of 2016 which regulates the Pilkada, there are special requirements for independent cagub-cawagub. Independent candidate pairs (paslons) can register if they meet the requirements for support for the number of residents who have the right to vote and are contained in the final list of voters (DPTs) in the general election or the last previous election. In the 2024 election, the KPU recorded 8.25 million people entering the DPT in DKI Jakarta. Referring to Article 41 of Law Number 10 of 2016, individual DKI Jakarta cagub-cawagubs must receive voters support of at least 7.5 percent of the total DPT. Thus, it is required that at least around 618,968 voters who support it. "The number of support as referred to must be spread in more than 50 percent of the total district/city area in the province concerned," said Chairman of the KPU DKU DKI Jakarta Wahyu Dinata in his statement, Wednesday, March 20. Wahyu explained that support as a condition for individual candidate registration was made in the form of a support letter accompanied by a photocopy of public ID cards registered in the DPT.

“Surat pernyataan dukungan bakal pasangan calon perseorangan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta menggunakan format yang dapat diunduh di laman webside KPU Provinsi DKI Jakarta dengan menempelkan bukti identitas kependudukan berupa fotokopi KTP-el atau fotokopi keterangan perekaman KTP-el dari Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil“, jelas Wahyu.Dalam hal terdapat pendukung yang usia dan pekerjaan yang tercantum di dalam identitas kependudukan belum memenuhi syarat dan tidak sesuai dengan kondisi terkini pendukung, maka pendukung dapat menyerahkan surat pernyataan identitas pendukung yang menerangkan bahwa yang bersangkutan sudah/pernah kawin dan/atau tidak lagi memiliki pekerjaan sebagaimana tercantum di dalam identitas kependudukan.

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