The General Elections Commission (KPU) is still delaying the determination of the status of the NasDem Party candidate in the electoral district (dapil) of NTT II, Ratu Ngadu Bonu Wulla, who has resigned after her official national vote was declared.

"We have not decided which level is still the election result in the form of vote acquisition. So, for the election for members of the DPR, Provincial DPRD, and the regency city DPRD there are 3, namely vote acquisition," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 20.

Hasyim explained that the KPU was still waiting for a decision from the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the dispute over the election results. The determination of the status of the legislative candidate will be carried out after the clarification from the Constitutional Court.

The KPU will then continue the process of determining the seat acquisition after receiving confirmation from the Constitutional Court. According to Hasyim, the legislative candidate who has the most votes in his electoral district has the right to occupy the seat.

"After receiving confirmation from the Constitutional Court whether there is a dispute or not, it has only advanced to the third stage, namely the determination of the seat acquisition, votes are converted into chairs," added Hasyim.

It is known that the recapitulation process for the 2024 General Election vote count is still ongoing at the national level. The KPU has a deadline until Wednesday, March 20, to announce the results of the vote acquisition.

Previously, the KPU received a letter of resignation from Ratu Ngadu Bonu Wulla through representatives from the Nasdem Party. The letter was received by KPU member August Mellaz, in a plenary meeting to recapitulate the results of calculating the national level of vote acquisition.

Mellaz emphasized that the substance of the resignation letter would not be discussed in the recapitulation forum. Witness from the Nasdem Party stated that the letter came from the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, which was also submitted to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).

Based on the recapitulation passed by the KPU, Ratu Ngadu Bonu Wulla, who is the legislator of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period, won 76,331 votes. Ratu Wulla became the top candidate of the Nasdem Party in the NTT II electoral district. The total votes won by the Nasdem Party and its legislative candidates reached 207,732 votes.

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