JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) is starting to hear a civil lawsuit case in the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.

The trial was still held even though the trial was not attended by the President or who represented him as one of the defendants.

"We are taking a policy to continue the trial, because this is of the defendant's nature. The defendant is only obedient and compliant to the verdict," said Chief Justice of the South Jakarta District Court, Hendra Yuristiawan while chairing the trial, Tuesday, March 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the absence of the President or representing the trial of Brigadier J's civil lawsuit did not affect the trial process.

He said that all parties of the defendant or those representing starting from Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Richard Total, Ricky Rizal, Strong Ma'ruf, State of the Republic of Indonesia Cq Kapolri and the defendant two, namely the Minister of Finance, were present at the trial.

For this reason, the South Jakarta District Court Panel of Judges has agreed to continue the trial. "Because the parties were present together and we considered it complete, the process was continued with mediation," he said.

On this occasion, the attorneys from the plaintiff and defendant minus the defendant one President of the Republic of Indonesia were all present and this is a follow-up agenda after previously on Tuesday 27 February being postponed due to the absence of the defendants.

Hendra added that the agenda for the next trial is to wait for the results of the mediation that will be carried out by the mediator within 30 working days.

"The mediation process is carried out for 30 working days and can be extended if the parties need it. So the next trial will follow the completion of the mediation process," he said.

Previously, the attorney for the family of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J, Komarudin Simanjuntak, sued civilly Ferdy Sambo to the President of the Republic of Indonesia for the killing of Yosua.

According to him, the reason the family sued the defendants was because they had been harmed by the death of Joshua Hutabarat who was killed by the convicts.

"Regarding the contents of the lawsuit, among others, Yosua's money amounting to Rp200 million was stolen. We have also asked that there is no answer to this day, there is also theft of gifts from the National Police Chief, namely that the gold pin is valuable to his family," he said.

"But when they are asked they accuse each other, therefore the answer is so that they are asked to come to trial," he said.

Komarudin added that the loss suffered by his client after being calculated reached Rp7.5 billion and it was a material loss.

"There is also material losses that we will propose at a civil trial at the South Jakarta District Court," he said.

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