JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian asked all local governments (Pemda) to distribute holiday allowances (THR) and the 13th salary on time so that people's purchasing power in the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr increases.
"To strengthen people's purchasing power, apart from the assistance that has the Family Hope Program (PKH) and the Pre-Work Card continues, but there are also other additions, namely giving THR and 13th salary," Tito said in his statement in Jakarta, Monday.
He emphasized that regulations regarding the provision of THR and 13th salary have been regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 14 of 2024. In addition to referring to the regulation, he will also make a Circular (SE) as the basis for the region to pay the THR and the 13th salary.
"Technically, later we will make a Circular and later this week we will hold a specific meeting with all regional heads, regional secretary, Regional Finance and Assets Agency, Bappeda, technical regarding the explanation regarding this payment," he said.
On the other hand, Tito also appealed to airlines and land and sea transportation not to increase ticket prices that were too high during the Lebaran 2024 homecoming period.
In addition to burdening people who want to return to their hometowns, it is feared that the ticket prices that are too high will trigger inflation in the transportation sector.
"Don't take the highest one, don't take it, people use transportation, then they will be given a high price to get profits, but the impact will be inflation," explained Tito.
In order to reduce the increase in transportation ticket prices, Tito also fully entrusts the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). He is optimistic that various steps have been taken by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, one of which is by collecting airlines and discussing to find the best solution.
"Then I think the Ministry of Transportation has taken steps in the transportation sector, including providers of entrepreneurs in the transportation sector to maintain price stability," he said.
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