YOGYAKARTA - Often many people forget about their EFIN, yes of course, automatically they will not be able to continue reporting tax SPT or access other electronic tax services. So, what is the solution if you 'forgot the online DGT EFIN'? Let's discuss it here!

You don't have to panic if you forget or lose EFIN, because this time we will find out how to get it again through the services provided by the Directorate General of Taxes.

EFIN Lupa Service Provided By DGT

Currently, the Directorate General of Taxes is providing EFIN forgetful services that we can access through several ways;

1. EFIN forgets service for private taxpayers:

2. EFIN forgets service for corporate taxpayers:

Services are open every working day at 08.00 a.m. for telephone services, Live Chat, email.

On the other hand, the EFIN forgetful service that opens on weekdays at 08.00 a.m. local time is a service that comes directly to the nearest Tax Service Office (KPP) or Service Office, Counseling, and Tax Consultation (KP2KP).

Mandatory Documents Prepared

Before applying for an EFIN service, taxpayers must prepare the documents needed for verification and the process of confirming data or information.

The following is information that you must prepare when submitting an EFIN again when you forget that EFIN or EFIN is missing:

1. Through the M-Pajak Application

Launching from the website of the Director General of Taxes, you can use the EFIN forgetful Service through the M-Pajak DGT channel, how:

2. Advance via Email

3. Application Through Live Chat

You can apply for forgetting EFIN or EFIN is lost through the DGT Live Chat service.

Untuk pengajuan saat lupa EFIN atau hilang EFIN melalui Live Chat Pajak, please visit laman situspajak.go.id.

DGT Closes EFIN Lupa Service Via X/Twitter

The Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) has closed the forgetful service no EFIN for taxpayers who want to ask it via the Kring Tax account on X or Twitter. The closure of the complaint service for forgetting EFIN through the Kring Tax account was informed by the Directorate General of Taxes through his official Instagram account.

Through this announcement, DGT appealed to taxpayers to use email services to convey forgetting EFIN.

"Forgot EFIN? Just send an email. Starting February 5, 2024, the EFIN forgets to switch from X/Twitter Cring Tax to email. - @ditjenpajakri

In addition, you must also know: 'Deftar of Assets Reported on Annual SPT', so as not to be confused later.

So after knowing the solution to forgetting the online DGT EFIN, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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