JAKARTA - The pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates (candidates) number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka won the re-voting abroad.

This was known after the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia completed the recapitulation of national-level vote count in 128 regions of the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) on Monday, March 18.

Based on the Plenary Meeting on the Recapitulation of National Level Vote Accounting Results conducted by the KPU, the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair won 427,871 votes in 128 PPLN areas.

In second place is Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar with 125,110 votes, and the last position is Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md who received 118,385 votes.

Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari said there are four remaining provinces that need to be recapitulated at the national level, namely West Java, Papua, Papua, Mountains and Maluku.

"We end this session (West West Papua recapitulation), there are still West Java, Papua, Papua Mountains and Maluku. God willing, we will finish it later," said Hasyim Tuesday, March 19.

In addition, based on the national recapitulation on Saturday (9/3) to Tuesday (19/3) at 01.00 WIB, the KPU has also approved the vote acquisition for the presidential election at 34 provinces at the national level; namely the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Gorontalo, Central Kalimantan, Bali, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan.

Furthermore, South Sumatra, Central Java, DKI Jakarta, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Riau Islands, East Nusa Tenggara, Banten, North Kalimantan, East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Riau, West Papua, North Sulawesi, and Bengkulu.

Then, West Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Aceh, NTB, South Papua, Jambi, North Maluku, North Sumatra, Central Sulawesi, Central Papua and Southwest Papua.

Of the entire province that has recapitulated, candidate pair number 2 is superior in 32 provinces, while the remaining two are preceded by pair number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar.

The 2024 election includes the presidential and vice presidential elections, members of the DPR, members of the DPD, members of the provincial DPRD, and members of the district/city DPRD with a final national voter list of 204,807,22 voters.

Then in the legislative elections followed by 18 national political parties, namely (according to serial numbers) the National Awakening Party, Gerindra Party, PDI Perjuangan, Golkar Party, NasDem Party, Labor Party, and the Indonesian Gelora Party.

Next, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Partai Kebangkitan Nusantara, Partai Hanura, Partai Garuda, Partai Amanat Nasional, Partai Bulan Bintang, Partai Demokrat, Partai Solidaritas Indonesia, Partai Perindo, Partai Persatuan Pembangunan, dan Partai Ummat.

In addition, there are six local political parties as participants, namely the Aceh Nanggroe Party, the Atjeh Beusaboh Tha'at and Taqwa Generation Party, the Aceh Darul Party, the Aceh Aceh Party, the Aceh Prosperous Justice Party, and the Acehnese People's Independent Solidity Party.

According to KPU Regulation Number 3/2022, the recapitulation of the 2024 General Election is scheduled to take place from February 15 to March 20, 2024.

The following are the results of national level recapitulation in 34 provinces that have been carried out by the KPU:

1. Yogyakarta Anies-Muhaimin: 496,280 Prabowo-Gibran: 1,269,265Ganjar-Mahfud: 741,220

2. Gorontalo Anies-Muhaimin: 227,354Prabowo-Gibran: 504,662Ganjar-Mahfud: 41,508

3. Central Kalimantan Anies-Muhaimin: 256,811Prabowo-Gibran: 1,097,070Ganjar-Mahfud: 158,788

4. Bali Anies-Muhaimin: 99,233Prabowo-Gibran: 1,454,640Ganjar-Mahfud: 1,127,134

5. Lampung Anies-Muhaimin: 791,892Prabowo-Gibran: 3,554,310Ganjar-Mahfud: 764,486

6. Bangka Belitung Anies-Muhaimin: 204,348 Prabowo-Gibran: 529,883Ganjar-Mahfud: 151,109

7. West Kalimantan Anies-Muhaimin: 718,641Prabowo-Gibran: 1,964,183Ganjar-Mahfud: 534,450

8. South Sumatra Anies-Muhaimin: 997,299 Prabowo-Gibran: 3,649,651Ganjar-Mahfud: 606,681

9. Central Java Anies-Muhaimin: 2,866,373Prabowo-Gibran: 12,096,454Ganjar-Mahfud: 7,827,335

10. DKI Jakarta Anies-Muhaimin: 2,653,762Prabowo-Gibran: 2,692,011Ganjar-Mahfud: 1,115,138

11. Riau Islands Anies-Muhaimin: 370,671Prabowo-Gibran: 641,388Ganjar-Mahfud: 140,733

12. East Nusa Tenggara Anies-Muhaimin: 153,446Prabowo-Gibran: 1,798,753Ganjar-Mahfud: 958,505

13. South Kalimantan Anies-Muhaimin: 849,948 Prabowo-Gibran: 1,407,684Ganjar-Mahfud: 159,950

14. Banten Anies-Muhaimin: 2,451,383Prabowo-Gibran: 4,035,052Ganjar-Mahfud: 720,275

15. East Kalimantan Anies-Muhaimin: 448.046Prabowo-Gibran: 1.542.346Ganjar-Mahfud: 240.143

16. North Kalimantan Anies-Muhaimin: 72,065Prabowo-Gibran: 284,209Ganjar-Mahfud: 51,451

17. Southeast Sulawesi Anies-Muhaimin: 361,585Prabowo-Gibran: 1,113,344Ganjar-Mahfud: 90,727

18. East Java Anies-Muhaimin: 4,492,652Prabowo-Gibran: 16,716,603Ganjar-Mahfud: 4,434,805

19. West Sulawesi Anies-Muhaimin: 223,153 Prabowo-Gibran: 533,757Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 62,514

20. West Papua Anies-Muhaimin: 37,459 Prabowo-Gibran: 172,965Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 120,565

21. Riau Anies-Muhaimin: 1,400,093Prabowo-Gibran: 1,931,113Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 357,298

22. North Sulawesi Anies-Muhaimin: 119,103Prabowo-Gibran: 1,229,069Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 283,796

23. Bengkulu Anies-Muhaimin: 229,681 Prabowo-Gibran: 893,499Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 145,570

24. West Sumatra Anies-Muhaimin: 1,744,042Prabowo-Gibran: 1,217,314Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 124,044

25. South Sulawesi Anies-Muhaimin: 2,003,081Prabowo-Gibran: 3,010,726Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 265,948

26. Aceh Anies-Muhaimin: 2,369,534Prabowo-Gibran: 787,024Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 64,677

27. West Nusa Tenggara Anies-Muhaimin: 850,359Prabowo-Gibran: 2,154,843Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 241,106

28. South Papua Anies-Muhaimin: 41,906Prabowo-Gibran: 162,852Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 110,003

29. Jambi Anies-Muhaimin: 532,605Prabowo-Gibran: 1,438,952Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 234,251

30. North Sumatra Anies-Muhaimin: 2,339,620 Prabowo-Gibran: 4,660,408Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 999,528

31. North Maluku Anies-Muhaimin: 200,459Prabowo-Gibran: 454,943Ganjar-Mahfud Md: 91,293

32. Central Sulawesi Anies-Muhaimin: 386,743Prabowo-Gibran: 1,251,313Ganjar-Mahfud: 160,594

33. Central Papua Anies-Muhaimin: 128,577Prabowo-Gibran: 638,616Ganjar-Mahfud: 335,089

34. Southwest Papua Anies-Muhaimin: 48,405Prabowo-Gibran: 209,403Ganjar-Mahfud 99,899 votes.

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