PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Police are investigating the smuggling of 142 tons of coal in their jurisdiction after arresting six perpetrators.
Kasubdit Krimsus Polda Sumsel AKBP Bagus Suryo Wibowo said the six perpetrators were coal transport drivers who wanted to smuggle coal from Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency in South Sumatra to Jakarta.
Six perpetrators were arrested at different times, namely March 9, March 17, and March 18, 2024, with the total coal they carried weighing 142 tons.
"Currently we are continuing to investigate this case and investigate the involvement of the perpetrators, whether there are other perpetrators, and will even trace them to a coal mine," he said during the release of the case in Palembang, Antara, Monday, March 18.
He explained that the beginning of the arrest began when the team conducted an investigation related to cars carrying coal that were often passing by in the OKU area.
On March 9, 2024, members secured a total of 40 tons of coal from two Fuso trucks, respectively, number BE 9614 CF driven by suspect AR, and truck number BE 9302 BN driven by YS.
On March 17, 2024, the team secured 82 tons of coal from three B 9604 BYU truck driven by RS, then truck number B 9267 BIT, and car number BE 8531 OU.
The next day on March 18, the police secured one driver and his vehicle, the initials S, who was carrying a BG 8191 MX number truck carrying 20 tons of coal.
He added that based on one of the confessions of the hospital, one of the drivers, he obtained the coal from loading and unloading a total diesel truck in the Tanjung Agung area, Muara Enim.
Now, the perpetrators are subject to Article 161 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning mineral and coal mining, with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and a fine of IDR 100 billion.
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