JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party Ahmad Doli Kurnia explained about the request for a ministerial quota of five seats in the cabinet if Prabowo Subianto-Gibran has been officially declared president-vice president for the period 2024-2029.
According to him, the statement that came out of the mouth of the General Chairperson of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, was only to encourage the DPD leaders who had succeeded in the 2024 General Election until the votes of the Beringin Party skyrocketed.
"Yesterday the event in Bali was actually an internal event which was later revealed by the media. Actually, the information that gave encouragement to internal friends who at that time were indeed grateful to the DPD heads for their cooperation so far was quite good so that we achieved the acquisition of both the presidential and legislative elections as we are currently seeing. That's the context," explained Doli at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 18.
The chairman of Commission II of the DPR then reminded that the Indonesian government system is a presidential system. So that the highest prerogative is the president.
"God willing, if, for example, tomorrow Wednesday, Pak Prabowo has been announced as the winner of the presidential election, of course, Pak Prabowo will have the authority," said Doli.
However, added Doli, in accordance with the law, the elected president will also discuss it with the supporting political parties (political parties). In this case, Prabowo will discuss the cabinet of his government with the general chairmen of political parties.
"Usually, because the law also regulates that the presidential candidate is a combination of our political parties and knows that there are 9 political parties, and so far, usually the elected president will definitely discuss it first with the chairman of the general chairman of the supporting political party," said Doli.
"Well, regarding Golkar, we also of course in the end there are negotiations, there are talks between Pak Prabowo and our general chairman, Pak Airlangga Hartarto," he added.
Doli assessed that there may have been informal talks between the two. However, he admitted that he did not know anything about the request for a 5 ministerial seat whether it had been submitted to Prabowo or not.
"I don't know exactly and I feel it's not my authority. Even if (there is) a conversation, it should have happened behind closed doors between Pak Prabowo and Pak Airlangga. The only thing that knows is Pak Prabowo, Pak Airlangga and Allah SWT," he concluded.
Previously, the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, had mentioned his party's big role in winning the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair in the 2024 Presidential General Election (Pilpres).
Therefore, he suggested that the Beringin Party get five ministerial seats in the cabinet if Prabowo becomes president.
"I conveyed to Pak Prabowo about Golkar's contribution because we won in 15 provinces. That means we contributed 25 percent of the 58 percent victory. So, if 25 percent, if you share, yes, a lot is okay. We call five (menter positions) minimal, but if you calculate the proportion of 25 percent, there are still many rooms (spaces)," said Airlangga during a celebration of the success of the Golkar Party in Badung Regency, Bali, Friday, March 15.
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