When Cigarette Thief Fails To Escape Through The Roof Of The House, Residents Don't Want To Beat The Perpetrator Even Though His Face Is Known
The thief in Pondok Aren was escorted by the police into the car/ Photo: ISt

TANGSEL - A young man with the initials ADA (20) was caught by residents while carrying out the theft at a food stall, Jalan Aren 2, Gang Masjid V, Pondok Betung Village, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City, Sunday 17 March.

ADA is known to have targeted a food stall belonging to SE (32). The incident was discovered by one of the eyewitnesses of the incident who was walking and saw an unknown man also walking.

Arriving at the scene of the case, the witness saw the perpetrator's sandals beside the victim's house. The suspicious witness then peeked inside the house and saw the perpetrator taking the goods.

The witness caught the perpetrators shocked and fled through the roof of the house. But unfortunately, the perpetrator's escape attempt was surrounded by residents. ADA perpetrators were also arrested by the masses.

When searched, the perpetrator's body found Rp2.9 million in cash and several packs of stolen cigarettes. The perpetrator was taken to the Pondok Aren Police Headquarters.

The perpetrator was judged by local residents. In fact, one of the residents recognized the perpetrator's face.

After mediation is carried out between the victim and the perpetrator, then take a restorative justice route to solve the problem.

Kapolsek Pondok Aren, Kompol Bambang Askar Sodiq said, restorative justice can indeed be taken to reconcile two parties who are involved in legal problems through family deliberation.

"Then between the victim, represented by his brother-in-law with the initials DPA (44) and the perpetrator represented by brother IR, mediated for deliberation," he said, Sunday, March 17.

Kompol Bambang emphasized that not every legal problem must be brought to the realm of law.

"Restorative justice settlement is a solution so that there is no revenge between parties," he said.

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