The Regent of Karawang, West Java, Aep Syaepuloh, decided to prohibit karaoke places from operating in the month of Ramadan.

"Previously, we had tolerated karaoke places to open from 21.00-24.00 WIB in the month of Ramadan and not to sell alcoholic beverages and wear polite clothes. But it turned out that it was still the violation, so we decided not to operate," said Regent Aep in Karawang, Sunday.

Due to this condition, it was decided to prohibit all karaoke places from operating during Ramadan. This is a joint decision with the ranks of the Karawang Muspida.

"I have asked the Satpol PP to summon all karaoke place managers and say that karaoke should no longer be open during Ramadan," he said, as quoted by Antara.

If after it is prohibited but there are still karaoke places that are determined to continue operating, the Regent admits that he will give strict sanctions in the form of permanent revocation of karaoke operational permits.

"So if after being banned there are still those who are determined to open it, it's a different matter, we immediately revoke the operational permit," said Aep.

Pada Sabtu (16/3) malam, Bupati Karawang bersama Kapolres Karawang AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono dan Dandim 0604 Karawang Letkol Inf Dede Hermawan melakukan pemeriksaan tiba ke sejumlah tempat karaoke.

From the inspection, it was found that there were still a number of karaoke places that were open outside the predetermined hours and there were karaoke places in Karawang that continued to sell liquor during the month of Ramadan.

There are even karaoke places that are cat and mouse, namely closing the entrance gate even though there is karaoke activity in it by selling alcoholic beverages.

Previously, the Karawang Regency Government issued Circular Letter Number 100.3.4/913/Satpol PP concerning Appeals During Ramadan 1445 Hijri/2024 AD. In the circular letter, the Karawang Regency Government allowed karaoke businesses to open during Ramadan, only operating hours were limited.

Based on the findings in the regent's inspection, the provisions in the circular were revoked, and converted into karaoke places were prohibited from operating during the holy month of Ramadan.

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