North Sumatra III Electoral District Legislative Results: Djarot And Junimart Failed To Maintain Seats In The DPR
PDIP politician Djarot Saiful Hidayat (Nailin In Saroh/VOI)

JAKARTA - Two PDIP incumbents, namely PDIP faction member Djarot Saiful Hidayat and Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Junimart Girsang, failed to maintain their seats in the DPR. This is because PDIP only gets two seats in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) in the North Sumatra Election Area (North Sumatra Dapil) III.

The two seats have been filled by incumbent Bob Andika Mamana Sitepu and a new face, lost to King Manalu. Both of them received a higher number of votes than Djarot and Junimart. Despite being in fourth place from ten PDIP candidates, Djarot was only able to reach 54,366 votes. Meanwhile, Junimart took third place with 75,401 votes. Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Ahmad Doli Kurnia managed to secure one seat ticket for a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Golkar Party. Doli won the highest vote in the 2024 Pilleg for the North Sumatra III electoral district.

Based on the results of the recapitulation of the 2024 Legislative Election national vote count, seen on Saturday, March 16, Doli received 141,846 votes. From the vote acquisition, using the Sainte Lagie method, Doli was confirmed to have passed to Senayan.

Apart from Doli, there is also an incumbent member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Democratic Party, Hinca Pandjaitan, who is also confirmed to be walking back to Senayan. Hinca won 74,375 votes.

For information, in the electoral district of North Sumatra III there are 10 seats up for grabs. The electoral districts of North Sumatra III include Asahan, Tanjung Balai City, Pematangsiantar City, Simalungun, Pakpak Bharat, Dairi, Karo, Binjai City, Langkat, Batu Bara.

The number of valid and invalid ballots in North Sumatra III is 2,652,467. In detail, 2,362,543 ballots were declared valid and 289,924 ballots were invalid.

The following is the acquisition of the 2024 Pilleg seat in the North Sumatra III electoral district:

Gerindra 1 seat Sugiat Santoso 58,226

PDIP 2 seats Bane Raja Manalu 91,169Bob Andika Mana Sitepu 94,621

Golkar 3 seats Ahmad Doli Kurnia 141,846 Delia Pratiwi 119,047 Mangihut Sinaga 116,091

NasDem 1 chair Rudi Hartono Bangun 103,387

PKS 1 seat Ansory Siregar 66,736

PAN 1 seat Nasril Bahar 59,947

Democrat 1 seat of Hinca Pandjaitan 74,375

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