The Golkar Party plans to report alleged violations committed by the General Election Commission (KPU) and the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of South Halmahera Regency. This violation is related to the reduction of votes for the legislative candidate (caleg) of the DPR RI from the party in a plenary meeting to recapitulate the vote acquisition at the North Maluku Province (Malut) level.

Arifin Djafar, a witness from the Golkar Party, revealed that the votes of the parties and votes of the missing DPR RI candidates reached 789 votes in Obi District, South Halmahera Regency. According to him, the North Maluku Province Bawaslu has submitted a recommendation to reopen the entire Form C results or down 3 levels in the sub-district.

The KPU then followed up on the recommendation to recalculate the Form C results. From the tally results, the votes of the missing Golkar party returned to 1,244 votes, previously only 455 votes," said Arifin, Saturday, March 16.

The Golkar Party plans to report this to Gakkumdu for processing according to the provisions because it has violated Election Law Number 7 of 2017 and PKPU. The data held by the Golkar Party is sufficient evidence to be processed by the South Halmahera KPU commissioner on suspicion of losing the votes of the Golkar party as many as 789 votes, but we are still waiting for the decision of the chairman of the Golkar Party DPD 1 Alien Mus to be followed up to Gakkumdu," he added.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the North Maluku KPU, Pudja Sutamat, said that the next stage was waiting for Pleno at the National level and also the issuance of the Case Registration Book (BRP) from the Constitutional Court (MK). If North Maluku Province does not get a dispute, then 3 days after the BRPK is issued, a candidate will be elected will be determined. However, otherwise, it will be adjusted.

Pudja added that according to the schedule, the deadline for the recapitulation at the provincial level is March 10, 2024, but it is delayed until March 14, 2024. This is due to several data differences from witnesses, Bawaslu and KPU which must be resolved together.

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