SURABAYA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) said that every inch of land must be maintained.

This was conveyed by AHY when visiting Universitas Airlangga (Unair) to stay in touch with the Head and Civitas Akademika Pascasarjana Unair.

Menteri AHY berbicara terkait tugas yang diemban saat ini dimana tanah merupakan urusan rakyat yang fundamental tanpa melihat status ekonomi dan sosial tertentu, baik masyarakat secara individual maupun yang bergerak di bidang usaha.

"Resilience and land cannot be separated because we have to maintain every inch of land," said Minister AHY as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 15.

According to him, maintaining land can be done in various ways, one of which is through certification. In this case, the Ministry of ATR/BPN is committed to realizing justice by presenting legal certainty of the right to community land.

"This is why we are aggressively carrying out certification and hopefully it will become more massive digitally, so that everything is orderly and in the end the community can get their rights well," he said.

Land certification, continued the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN, was carried out with the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program which aims to improve people's welfare. Evidently, since PTSL was launched in 2017, there has been a large increase in economic value.

"This certification effort is real from 2017 to 2023, which is estimated at IDR 6,000 trillion in circulation in the community," he said.

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