The Cianjur Police Satreskrim, West Java, arrested the perpetrator of the murder named Surya (50), a resident of Karantengah District who killed his victim Sopyan (45) when he was about to collect debts.

Kasatreskrim Cianjur Police AKP Tono Listianto said the perpetrator fled after carrying out his sadistic actions and hiding in the Cileungsi area, Bogor, an officer who received direct information to the location and managed to arrest the perpetrator.

"The perpetrator hid in the Bogor jurisdiction, when he was arrested the perpetrator could not move and was immediately taken to the Cianjur Police Station, in order to account for his actions," said Tono as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 15.

After killing the victim who wanted to collect his debt, the perpetrator had cleaned himself up and asked to be escorted by his regular motorcycle taxi driver to the city transportation terminal to escape.

Before killing victim Sopyan, the perpetrator had injured two other victims who had already come to the perpetrator's house to collect debts, but managed to survive.

"We will develop the case because currently the perpetrator is still being questioned, but the information is that the perpetrator is determined to kill the victim's life because he is upset and is being billed for by debt," he said.

Sopyan (45), a resident of Sukaluyu Subdistrict, was found dead with stab wounds all over his body, Tuesday (12/3) after collecting debts from the perpetrators.

The victim who was asked to come to the perpetrator's house in Kabandungan Village, did not suspect that he would leave with his nephew. At that time, the perpetrator promised to pay a debt of Rp. 3.5 million which the victim had often billed.

The victim did not suspect that he would immediately enter the house and his nephew was waiting outside.

After a few minutes from inside the house, a scream for help was heard. The victim was stabbed by the perpetrator SR, and the perpetrator even had time to chase the victim's nephew who managed to escape.

"The victim's nephew immediately ran to my shop which was still open, while reporting what he and his uncle had experienced, he even asked us to help save the victim," said an eye witness to shop owner Daniel.

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