The Regional Disaster Management Agency of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, said dozens of houses on the coast of Mapak Indah Beach, Sekarbela, were damaged by coastal abrasion as a result of extreme weather that has occurred in recent days. Head of the Mataram City Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Mahfuddin Noor said the latest data collected was that the number of houses damaged by coastal abrasion that occurred on Wednesday-Thursday (13-14 March) was between 11-15 units. "This is still temporary data, because today we are still conducting assessments of the affected houses. Moreover, extreme weather strong winds and coastal abrasion still have the potential to occur," he said in Mataram, Antara, Friday, March 15. According to him, the house affected by the abrasion is an empty house that has been left by the owner to a temporary residence (huntara), which has been prepared by the Mataram City Government (Pemkot). Residents on the coast of Mapak Indah Beach have been evacuated since mid-February 2024 to the shelter, in accordance with the weather predictions of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) at that time as a measure to anticipate the impact of coastal abrasion when extreme weather occurs. "It's just that this year, extreme weather is usually predicted to occur ahead of Chinese New Year, so it's a time of Ramadan," he said. Meanwhile, related to further handling of residents who are still in the second layer of the coast, he said, they will immediately be coordinated with various related parties. "We will deal with residents who are in the second layer when the weather conditions are sloping," he said.
Alluding to the condition of the coast at other points, such as in the Bintaro area, Penghulu Agung, and other points, according to him, so far it has been relatively sloping. "Nevertheless, our team continues to monitor," said Mahfuddin Noor.

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