TANGERANG - Tangerang City Government, Banten ensures that Anyar Market will be converted into a more modern market, so as to revive the economy in the local area.

"This step is the side of the Tangerang City Government for traders to improve the economy at Anyar Market, Tangerang," said Tangerang City Secretary Herman Suwarman, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 12.

The revitalization of the Tangerang Anyar Market began Monday, March 11 by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

The Tangerang City Government has relocated traders to four locations, namely Mambo Market, South Anyar Market, Plaza Shinta, and Metropolis Mall.

At Plaza Shinta, there are also two hundred traders who have registered to sell. Then, at the Metropolis mall there are more than 56 traders, most of whom are selling gold and silver.

Then, Anyar Market traders were also exempted from rental fees while selling at the relocation site until they returned to Anyar Market.

Previously, Tangerang City Government Development Assistant, Yeti Rohaeti, said that the process of revitalizing and temporarily relocating traders was not eviction, but tidying up the market so that traders and buyers were comfortable not to interfere with traffic.

He said that the condition of Anyar Market which has been consumed by age and is uncomfortable needs to be revitalized for the convenience of buying and selling in the future. The revitalization plan has been in process for a long time, now it is being carried out by the Ministry of PUPR.

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