MADIUN - A number of areas in Indonesia were hit by quite a flood. One of the people who were severely affected was the city of Madiun in East Java.

The Madiun Regency Government (Pemkab) recorded hundreds of residents affected by flooding due to heavy rains from Saturday (9/3) morning to Sunday morning, and caused the Bengawan Madiun River to overflow.

Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of Madiun Regency BPBD Kukuh Yoso Kuncoro said BPBD monitoring, floods in several villages in a number of sub-districts in Madiun Regency. Covering Balerejo, Pilangkeceng, Saradan, Wonoasri, Wungu, and Madiun sub-districts.

"A number of our residents evacuated by rubber boat to a safer place," said Kukuh Yoso Kuncoro, as quoted by Antara, Sunday (10/3/2024).

According to him, the waters of the Jerohan River, which is a tributary of the Bengawan Madiun river, began to overflow on the village road on Sunday morning. Towards noon, the water discharge increased until it entered the house with varying heights ranging from 30-50 centimeters.

BPBD in collaboration with the Madiun Regency Social Service, Tagana, TNI, and Polri evacuated affected residents to disaster management posts, especially the elderly and toddlers.

Head of the Madiun Regency Social Service Agung Budiarso added that the water level at several points could reach about 1 meter. Mainly in residents' houses which are lower than the road.

"Temporary data there are around 209 flood-affected residents who were evacuated to the disaster post. Hopefully the water will recede soon," he said.

The Madiun District Social Service has also prepared public kitchens for the logistical needs of affected residents and flood disaster management officers.

The Social Service and BPBD asked residents to remain vigilant against floods that are still prone to occur, considering that the rainfall according to the BMKG report is still quite high.

Based on ANTARA's monitoring, flooding due to the overflow of Bengawan Madiun and its tributaries also hit several hamlets in Kwadungan District, Ngawi Regency, and Kartoharjo District, Magetan Regency.

The local BPBD continues to try to deal with the disaster by evacuating affected residents whose houses were submerged due to flooding to safe places until the establishment of the disaster post.

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