JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo predicts that the discourse on the issuance of election fraud rights in the DPR RI will not run smoothly. Pros and cons to efforts to influence each other from each party will occur.

"I think and later it doesn't go smoothly. Because there must be stories that agree and disagree and then make more lively stories so that the right of inquiry runs or doesn't work. An interplay politics will occur," said Ganjar, who was present online at the 'Demos Festival: Omon-Omon About Opposition', Saturday, March 9.

Ganjar said that various dynamics regarding the right of inquiry would be interesting. The proof is that when the opening of the trial period on Tuesday, March 5, there had been interruptions from various factions in the DPR RI.

"In my opinion (the right of election fraud, red) is a pretty good dynamic," said the former Governor of Central Java.

"While of course we as the party, of course, encourage the preparations to prepare an academic manuscript, prepare support from members, until later we can enter the plenary session and ratify it as the right of the DPR's inquiry," continued Ganjar.

Previously, Mahfud MD, who is the vice presidential candidate number three, said that the right to election fraud that would be rolled out in the DPR RI was not just a discourse. He admitted that he had read his academic paper which was more than 75 pages thick.

"The plan for angket is serious and has been completed. I have already held the academic paper very thick, it's more than 75 pages, which I have read," Mahfud told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, March 8.

"So the budget is just a way to do technical coordination," he continued.

Mahfud said that there were already names of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives who would propose the right to investigate the alleged fraud. However, he did not want to elaborate further because he was dealing with political parties.

"There are already names, but those who want to sign must read them first, so that later when they maintain they know," said the former Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam).

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