JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he received a story that his friend was intimidated by intelligence. He only got this report and not the first time it happened during the 2024 election.
"Just my friend after testifying was visited by intelligence and told me, what are you doing? Where did your source of funds come from? Well, stories like this may seem to be so intimidating," said Ganjar, who was present online at the 'Demos Festival: Omon-Omon About Opposition', Saturday, March 9.
Ganjar also said that his friend was being lured by a change of camp. "What did someone get an offer, what did they get, what did they do with the message," he said.
The former Governor of Central Java said that this kind of story had actually been heard a lot. So, Ganjar invites all who experience it to tell stories, don't hesitate so that people know.
"I told my friends, just tell me what's there," he said.
In addition, this story also needs to be because the current Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) is preparing witnesses to sue for the results of the 2024 presidential election at the Constitutional Court (MK). This effort was made to prove fraud in a structured, systematic and massive manner (TSM).
At least we can prove the TSM hypothesis. Now the intellectual work while digging into the facts of witnesses in the field is an important story for us to collect," explained Ganjar.
The lawsuit to the Constitutional Court, continued Ganjar, will be accompanied by two other things that have been done. First, continue to maintain the vote counting process.
"We are still struggling until the 20th, what should be the RII number. Is it stuck like that? No matter how many votes come in and these are of course stories that become materials for us to make an action later when the announcement will be made," he said.. The last is of course the political space that the DPR RI can use in this case uses the constitutional rights whose name is the right of inquiry, but the dynamics will definitely be very interesting, "concluded Ganjar.
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