The Blitar City Police, East Java, thwarted the sale of 500 grams of methamphetamine. His party also arrested the perpetrators who were residents of Jakarta.

Deputy Head of Blitar City Police Commissioner I Gede Swartika said the police arrested MAR (29) alias Bupuk, a resident of South Petukangan Village, Pesanggrahan District, South Jakarta.

"This originated from information on drug trafficking around the square of Blitar city. Furthermore, all members of the Narcotics Satres ( Narcotics, Psychotropic and Dangerous Drug Investigation Unit) Blitar City conducted a total investigation around the square, both the east, western and northern parts," he said, quoting Antara.

He added that the police found something suspicious, namely the motorcycle taxi driver who pushed his motorbike on foot with one passenger. They then stopped in front of the Blitar City Health Office office.

At that time, it turned out that one of them was seen taking something of the items and putting it in a backpack.

Members then approached the person concerned and conducted an examination. After a search, it turned out that the items that were put in the backpack were methamphetamine and powder suspected of being ecstasy. The person concerned was then taken to the command headquarters for further development of the case.

"The perpetrator was arrested in the north of the Blitar City square. The perpetrator took a motorcycle taxi and made an appointment at the crime scene where he was arrested," he said.

Officers confiscated a number of evidences in the form of 534 grams of crystal methamphetamine, one clip containing 20 grams of ecstasy assault, IDR 550 thousand in cash and one cell phone used to communicate with buyers.

To investigators, the perpetrator admitted that he often had transactions of methamphetamine, including in Blitar. However, not until the goods reached the buyer, the police have arrested him.

It is estimated that the price of methamphetamine weighing 534 grams is around Rp800 million. Until now, the police have continued to develop the case, including a network of drug suppliers in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator is still being held. He is threatened with criminal charges for violating Article 114 paragraph (2), and Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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