JATENG - The arrangement of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Kasunanan Palace is ensured to continue to accommodate street vendors (PKL) so that they can still sell in the area. This arrangement project is carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

Representative of the Surakarta Palace Kanjeng Pangeran Eddy Wirabhumi said the square area, both south and north, would be repaired for the better.

In fact, grass fields that have been undermanaged so far will be returned according to their original function, namely into open spaces and infiltration areas.

"Thus, in the future it will become more beautiful," he said in Solo, Central Java, Thursday, March 7, as reported by Antara.

In addition, he continued, the areas around the field will also be arranged, including improving the drainage and pedestrian system in the area will be more comfortable when accessed by the public.

He said that no less important is that his party will continue to provide space to serve as a commercial area that can be used by the community to trade. The arrangement will be equipped with a shelter building for traders.

"The capacity will be adjusted to the data on the number of traders currently available. From our data, there are around 130 traders," he said.

He hopes that with this arrangement, traders will be more orderly in maintaining cleanliness.

Meanwhile, he said, the concept of utilizing shelters in the future is to distribute business locations, meaning that traders who have only been selling during the day can only take advantage of the facility during the day. Likewise with traders who usually sell at night, they can only use it at night.

According to him, the use of shelters is only focused on traders who need a place. Meanwhile, traders who go around will not get shelter facilities.

"Indeed, there must be a change in behavior so that they are also cleaner. So traders who sell day must be clean at night and those who sell nights must be clean during the day," he said.

Related to this, the Head of the Surakarta City Trade Office Heru Sunardi said the arrangement of the southern square would target the construction of shelters for street vendors who have been selling in the palace square area.

"There have been several agreements between the government and the palace, such as the management of shelters and street vendors in the kidul square when the arrangement has been completed. For shelters, permanent traders will be prepared," he said.

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