JAKARTA - PP Muhammadiyah asked political elites not to attract the public in the political conflict that was taking place after the presidential and vice presidential elections (pilpres).
"Political Elite should not drag people into the flow of confrontational politics and make it a tool of power," said PP Muhammadiyah General Secretary Abdul Mu'ti as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 6.
Abdul highlighted the phenomenon of the right of inquiry on allegations of fraud when the election was rolling among the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR).
According to him, this right of inquiry is a facility that can be used by members of the legislature and is legally valid.
However, he hopes that this right of inquiry should not be used as a source of conflict between the people who are pros and cons of the election results.
"People should not be worried about the political dynamics in the DPR," he said.
By not using the right of inquiry as a trigger for conflict, he believes that the condition of society will return to conducive and peaceful, even after the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs are elected.
Previously, PP Muhammadiyah was considered to have played a role in helping the government in maintaining the conduciveness of the community during and after the election.
"PP Muhammadiyah is a community organization that breathes Islam and has a very important role to play in maintaining harmony within the community," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto while visiting the PP Muhammadiyah office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (28/2).
According to Hadi, religious organizations such as PP Muhammadiyah have a lot of influence on the community, especially those who are Muslims.
This influence, continued Hadi, could convey the narrative of peace during the general election period. This can have an effect in reducing conflicts between election participants.
"Before the election, the role of PP Muhammadiyah in maintaining safe and peaceful conditions continued and like that alone, it was very supportive of the peaceful situation," said Hadi.
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