JAKARTA - The issue of stunting has become one of the main concerns of various stakeholders in preparation for the "Golden Generation of Indonesia" in 2045. In Indonesia, stunting is still a health problem for many children.

The impact of stunting on cognitive quality can be seen from the 2018 OECD data which shows that Indonesian youth ranks 71 out of 77 countries for science, mathematics, and reading scores. The high stunting rate also has an impact on the Indonesian Human Capital Index which shows that a baby born in Indonesia is only able to develop 53 percent of its potential below the state average in ASEAN.

One of the efforts to reduce stunting events is to ensure that the journey of transformation of life from planning pregnancy to breastfeeding for the little one can run optimally. Therefore, IDAI, BKKBN and strategic partner Blackmores, work together in launching the Quality Breastfeeding Care'' campaign

The 'Qualitative Breastfeeding Care' campaign is an educational campaign to invite prospective mothers, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to have an understanding and seek the fulfillment of micronutrients such as vitamins, DHAs and 17 essential nutrients from pregnancy to the breastfeeding period of the little one. The breastfeeding period is very important, therefore, mothers need to ensure their quality.

With the fulfillment of nutrition from pregnancy to breastfeeding, Mothers can provide quality breast milk to their little ones, which can help prevent stunting conditions.

Pediatrician, dr. I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Partiwi, Sp.A, MARS, said that exclusive breastfeeding must be accompanied by monitoring of child growth for the benefit of early detection of possible growth disorders or artificial weights that often occur when mothers start working again or during the MPASI start period.

"In addition, another most important thing to ensure is the quality of breast milk given by mothers to their babies. More than just fulfilling the baby's exclusive breast milk rights, mothers must prepare quality breast milk production since pregnancy. This condition causes the 1000-day program for the baby's golden period to require intimate cooperation between pediatricians and our colleagues, Obgyn doctors," he explained, Wednesday, March 6.

dr. Tiwi continued, it must also be ensured that knowledge about the nutrition of pregnant women, guidelines for successful breastfeeding and monitoring of child growth are controlled by midwives and medical personnel such as doctors who work at health centers, in areas.

"Because 85 percent of infant births in Indonesia occur outside the hospital; they are helped by midwives," he said.

Marianus Mau Kuru, SE, MPH - Plt. Deputy for Family Planning and Health Reproduction (KBKR), BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Agency) in his speech said that the Indonesian government has set stunting as a national priority issue, because stunting is a humanitarian problem that has many impacts in the long term for the future golden generation.

This commitment was realized in the inclusion of stunting into the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) with a significant reduction target from 27.6 percent conditions in 2019 to 14 percent by 2024.

"To reduce stunting, fast leverage is needed, both through prevention and handling and escorting and ensuring that every bride and groom, especially prospective mothers, get good nutritional intake and assistance from pregnant women by midwives. Almost 50 percent of stunting cases occur since pregnancy planning, pregnancy period up to 2 years old (1000 HPK). Therefore, collaborative work with many parties is very important to do," explained Marianus.

Meanwhile, Country Head/Director, Kalbe Blackmores Nutrition, Dickson Susanto said, the 'Quality Breastfeeding Care' campaign is a form of Blackmores' commitment to support government programs in reducing stunting.

"In addition to conducting educational campaigns that will be carried out together with IDAI and BKKBN, we also implement our commitment through a series of education and Blackmores Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Gold donations worth IDR 3 billion to pregnant women in the final trimester to breastfeeding mothers which will be given throughout 2024 nationally, especially in areas that have high stunting prevalence. We hope this campaign can continue and can help reduce stunting rates in Indonesia," he explained.

The 'Qualitative Breastfeeding Care' campaign also provides education about the important benefits of Omega 3, folic acid, calcium, iron and other micronutrients that are important to improve the quality of breast milk. This campaign also reminds mothers to pay attention to the quality of breast milk and not only focus on increasing the quantity of breast milk.

Senior Marketing Manager of Kalbe Blackmores Nutrition, Virna Widiastuty explained, intake of macro nutrients and micronutrients is important to maintain the quality of breast milk, because it contains a lot of energy and nutrients needed by the baby. So it is important for pregnant and lactating mothers to fulfill macro nutrients and also micronutrients so that when breastfeeding arrives, the mother can produce quality breast milk which can help prevent stunting.

"The quality of good breast milk is not only seen from its shape, aroma, and taste, but can also be seen from the growth and breastfeeding patterns of babies. Its characteristics can be seen through: Baby's Weight Increases stably, breast milk is sufficient to meet the needs of babies, and baby development is smooth. The initiation of early breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding can help up to 1.9 times prevent stunting as well as preventing the death of infants and children under five," he explained.

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