MAKASSAR - Government official of South Sulawesi, Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, his staff focus on working and maintaining professionalism as state officials.

Andi Sudirman admitted that he was shocked by the legal case for the Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named Nurdin, who is familiarly called Prof. NA, as a suspect in the corruption of infrastructure projects in South Sulawesi.

"We empathize with what happened. Let's wish him the best", he said at the governor's office, Makassar, Monday, March 1.

"Everyone makes mistakes. Nothing is perfect, we must always remind others and pray a lot", he said.

The KPK previously confirmed that it had strong evidence that South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah (NA) was involved in corruption by accepting gratuities.

"The suspect denies this is normal and that is the right of the person concerned. We emphasize that the KPK has strong evidence according to the law regarding the alleged criminal act of corruption", said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement.

The KPK reminded the suspects and other parties who would later be examined in the investigation process to be cooperative in providing information.

"We hope that the suspects and other parties that we will summon and examine in this case will cooperate in explaining the real facts they know in front of investigators", said Ali.

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