Throughout January To February 2024, DHF Cases In Tangerang Regency Reach 1,200 Patients
Illustration of the dengue mosquito/ Photo: halodoc

TANGERANG Counting from January to February 2024, there were 1,200 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in the Tangerang Regency area. Four people were declared dead from various regions in Tangerang Regency.

"A total of four patients died, including from the Panongan, Jambe and Cikupa areas," said Head of the Tangerang Regency Health Office (Kadinkes) Dr Achmad Muchlis in a short message, Wednesday, March 6.

He said, for January there were approximately 500-600 cases, bringing the total to 1,200 cases.

"So the number of 600 cases is calculated from January, and in February the number of dengue cases was almost the same, namely 600 cases," he said.

He revealed, with the increase in dengue cases, his party has instructed all health facilities, both Puskesmas and regional hospitals, to increase preparedness as to provide services to the community.

In addition, his party also pays attention to health care officers at the sub-district level in order to provide socialization about the prevention and dangers of dengue disease.

"All our health facilities have prepared medicines, mosquito fogging and other dengue prevention facilities. In fact, we have coordinated so that all regional and private health centers and hospitals are on standby," he said.

In addition, Muchlis also asked the local community to pay attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment, checking water reservoirs that can become mosquito larvae.

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