BANDARLAMPUNG - Lampung Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine Center (BKHIT) succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle shark fins at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province.

"The Quarantine Officer of the Bakauheni Port Service Unit (Satpel) has succeeded in securing the smuggling of shark fins from Medan at Bakauheni Port which will be sent to East Java, with a total of 180 pcs or weighing 20 kg," said Kasatpel Bakauheni Akhir Santoso, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday.

He explained that the disclosure of the shark fin smuggling case began with a report by officers at the South Lampung Police Seaport that there was a delivery of a Sinip Hiu Fish Carrier Media (MP) type from Medan which was packaged in the form of a package.

"Furthermore, the officers rushed to the place they were informed. Upon arrival, the officers immediately asked the MP document to the driver carrying it, but the person concerned was unable to show the required documents for the traffic of the goods brought in," he said.

"The dozens of kilograms of Shark Cylinders were not accompanied by a health certificate from the Quarantine, were not reported and submitted to quarantine officials for quarantine action in accordance with Law no. 21 of 2019," he explained.

In addition, the goods that will be smuggled into Java Island are also not equipped with a Fish Type Utilization Permit (SIPJI) issued by One Stop Integrated Licensing (PTSP) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Fish Type Transport Letter (SAJI) issued by the Directorate General of Marine and Marine Space Management (PKRL) or the Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center/Loka (PSPL).

According to him, shark fins are part of a shark with high economic value compared to the meat and some fish with other types. But nowadays, sharks are included in one protected animal, as the number is decreasing.

"It should be noted that the Rhynchobate Shark Cylinder is included in Appendix II, which is not threatened with extinction, but has the potential to be endangered if traded without regulation," he said.

Therefore, End said that the shark fins and drivers were detained at the Quarantine Office of the Bakauheni Port Service Unit for further investigation.

"We will also coordinate with the Office of Coastal and Marine Resources Management (PSPL) and the Lampung Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervisory Office (PSDKP), regarding this issue," he said.

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