JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police held Safety Operations 2024 throughout Indonesia. Specifically in Jakarta, there are 6 locations where these activities are carried out.

"The second day of operation was carried out at 6 points, namely Palmerah Station, Plaza Senayan, HI Roundabout, Throughout Sudirman Thamrin, Jalan Army students and Kuningan Station Jalan Rasuna Said," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi in his statement, Tuesday, March 5.

During the operation, officers distributed brochures to the public which contained traffic rules. In addition, directional and appeals were also made through loudspeakers

The Jaya 2024 Safety Operation is part of the Polda Metro Jaya's efforts to reduce the number of traffic accidents in the DKI Jakarta area.

"To reduce the number of accidents and major traffic violations, what must be done is to increase awareness of good traffic in the community," said Ade.

The 2024 Safety Operation will be carried out for 14 days from March 4 to March 17.

In these activities, there are 11 types of violations that will be dealt with in the operation.

First, a violation in the form of driving while using a cellphone. Then, underage riders ride more than one person, motorists do not wear SNI helmets and car drivers do not wear safety belts or safety belts.

Then, violations in the form of going against the current, exceeding the speed limit, containing more than the vehicle's capacity, motors with Brong exhausts, using strobos in inappropriate vehicles, and the use of special or confidential number plates.

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