JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) experienced an over five votes in the recapitulation of vote count in the working area of the Taipei Foreign Election Committee (PPLN), Taiwan.

This was found by PDI-P witness Putu Bravo in the Pos 001 ballot at the Plenary Meeting of Recapitulation of Overseas Voting Results at the National Level on the sixth day reported by ANTARA, Monday, March 4.

"Check at Pos 001, there is something odd up to five votes," said Putu.

This condition made the meeting which took place this morning temporarily suspended, then the KPU and PPLN Taipei had time to repeat the calculation and get PSI votes which should have been 50, but in the column the total vote acquisition was written 55.

Member of the Taipei Foreign Organizing Committee (PPLN), Fiorollyn explained that this was caused by human error from officers of his group who organize tired foreign voting (KPPSLN).

"So, previously I apologize for our negligence, until this meeting became more difficult," said Fio via video call at a plenary meeting at the KPU office.

He said the first vote was made on February 17, 2024, at 09.00 local time. The counting of votes only finished at 21.30 local time.

At the time of the incident, his party had completed the first calculation according to the procedure. At that time, Fio was tasked with receiving back the ballot that had been opened and placed it on the table.

Meanwhile, other co-workers are tasked with opening ballots and others write results on the C1-Plano Model Form or records of vote count results for the 2024 General Election.

Fio revealed that his party had divided each party according to the order. After calculating, then his party match again according to or not the results per party.

"At that time we all agreed that it was correct, it was in accordance with the plano," he said.

KPPSLN then submitted a c. copy result to check out PPLN table for verification of count results.

In the verification process, valid and invalid ballots using Microsoft Excel are not in accordance with what was written by KPPSLN, so PPLN Taipei also asked KPPSLN post 001 to recalculate.

"At that time we were also confused, you know how there was a difference," said Fio.

In fact, at that time they agreed that the first count was correct. However, because the ballots have been piled up and it is difficult to check each party, KPPSLN also decided to recalculate the ballots.

A total of 447 ballots have been recalculated. Then, they recalculated according to the procedure and found an error in counting.

They did a recount using a quarto-sized HVS, as the C1-Plano Model Form was fully filled with preliminary vote count results.

After the recount was over, his party again handed it over to PPLN, then PPLN Taipei also said that the recount had been completed.

So, KPPSLN immediately corrected it in the C1-Plano Model Form.

"I really apologize because at the time of the incident, it was more than 00.00, it was 01.00, so we didn't focus too much on checking one by one. We only focus on the third column, the number of votes is valid," he explained.

KPPS Pos 001 Taipei then returned the sealed ballot boxes to PPLN and completed the counting process on February 18, 2024 at 02.00 local time.

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