SURABAYA- There was an explosion at the Sub-Department Office of the East Java Regional Police Detachment I, Surabaya, Monday at 10.19 WIB.
East Java Police Chief Inspector General of Police Imam Sugianto suspects that the explosion came from the remains of the explosives that would be destroyed or protested.
"So, coincidentally, Jibom Gegana, the East Java Regional Police, does not yet have a standard warehouse, so the remains of the explosives were stored next to his office, this morning it exploded," said the Kapolda, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 4.
The two-police star general said that until now there had been no casualties from the explosion.
"Alhamdulillah, while there were no casualties, only lost office materials and a car containing equipment for the Jibom explosion," he said.
Inspector General Imam said that currently from the laboratory, Gegana was accompanied by Gegana to do a crime scene investigation, including assisted by Criminal Investigation Unit from the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Police.
"The bomb is included in the low explosive category. Hopefully, after we get the complete results, we will inform media colleagues," he said.
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