TANJUNG SELOR - Profession and Security Division (Bidpropam) of the North Kalimantan Police (Kaltara) carried out an Operation to Enforcement of order and discipline (Ops Gaktiblin) against Regional Police personnel after holding an apple in the field of the Kaltara Police Headquarters.

Kasubbidwabprof Bidpropam Polda Kaltara Kompol L Tambunan explained, the activity includes checking attitudes, looks and administrative completeness owned by Kaltara Police personnel.

"The purpose and purpose of this Gaktiblin Ops is to discipline the personnel of the North Kalimantan Police to always obey internal rules and other regulations," explained Tambunan.

Items of examination of attitudes and looks are the size of hair and gampol.

"Meanwhile, the real self- completeness examination items are KTP, SIM A and SIM C, NPWP and KTA," he explained.

"Personnel who are deemed inconsistent with their appearance and incompleteness of real self-completeness will be dealt with in accordance with Perkap 2 of 2016 concerning the Settlement of Disciplinary Violations of Police Members," he concluded.

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