JAKARTA - Selebgram Millen Cyrus was arrested at the Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar for the positive use of benzo, which is categorized as narcotics, on Sunday, February 28. However, the police have not yet decided on the legal status of this case.

"(Status) is still under investigation," said the Director of the Jakarta Police's Narcotics Investigation, Grand Commissioner Mukti Juharsa, to reporters, Sunday, February 28.

In handling narcotics cases, the police have 3X24 hours to determine a person's legal status.

In addition, usually in narcotics cases, the police also refers to five legal references. The first refers to Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Then, PP Number 25 of 2011 concerning Implementation of Compulsory Reporting for Narcotics Addicts. Third, using the Joint Regulation on the Handling of Narcotics Addicts and Victims of Narcotics Abuse into Rehabilitation Institutions in 2014.

Fourth, referring to the Circular of the Constitutional Court Number 04/BUA.6/HS/SP/IV/2010 dated 7 April 2010 concerning the placement of abuse and abuse victims and narcotics addicts into medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation institutions.

Finally, the Regulation of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit number 1 of 2016 concerning SOP for narcotics addicts and victims of narcotics abuse into rehabilitation institutions.

So that to ensure the involvement or the cause of Millen Cyrus being positive for benzo, the police are still conducting intensive examinations.

"The examination is still (ongoing)," he said.

In this proof, the police did not only dig up information from Millen Cyrus. Because the plan will be to see a doctor.

This doctor is called the one who gives the benzo-containing drug. So, the police thought that the doctor's statement needed clarification.

"Of course we will invite or confirm with the doctor," said Mukti.

The doctor appeared in this case because there was information that the benzo-containing drug that was consumed by Millen Cyrus was officially from the doctor. Because there was a prescription for medicine when she was secured.

However, regarding this information, Mukti was reluctant to give a definite answer. He only informed so far it is still being explored.

"We are working on this," he said.

On the other hand, the Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar, which was the place where Millen Cyrus was secured, was also threatened with heavy sanctions. This is because the manager has violated the health protocol rules (prokes) by continuing to operate beyond the predetermined time.

Head of South Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit, Ujang Hermawan, said that the imposition of sanctions refers to the Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 3 of 2021.

In Pergub Number 3 of 2021 Article 12 states that sanctions will be given in the form of written warnings, temporary suspension of activities, administrative fines, temporary suspension of permits, and/or revocation of licenses.

"Sanctions for closure and sealing have been given, for the next sanctions whether to violate regional regulations or governor regulations are being discussed by the provincial Civil Service Police Unit and the Tourism Office as supervisors," said Ujang.

Until now, the sanctions that will be given to the manager of Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar have not been determined. Later, after a decision is made based on the results of coordination, sanctions will be given immediately.

"We are coordinating with the Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit for further sanctions, whether they violate PPKM or regional regulations and governorates will be reviewed by the Jakarta Police and the Tourism Office," said Ujang.

Gunawarman Brotherhood Bar tries to get around the rules to keep operating in a pandemic in two ways. First, by turning off the front lights as if they were not operating or closed. Then, another method is used by asking the visitors to enter through a side door.

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