JAKARTA - The Democratic Party responded to the comments of General Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) who admitted that he was amazed by the development of the capital city of the archipelago in East Kalimantan.

In fact, AHY once criticized the relocation of the state capital on the grounds that it was a 'disbursement of the budget' in the midst of a difficult national economy.

Now analibi Democrat, AHY amazed that the location that was once criticized was the objective attitude of the party leader bearing the Mercy Star symbol.

Democrats even considered that his party was rational with the progress of moving the capital by President Jokowi's administration.

"I think that's the objective attitude of Mas AHY. For Democrats, everything is based on rationality. If rationality is good for the state, good for the nation, good for the people, yes, it is said to be good," said Chairman of the Democratic Party BPOKK, Herman Khaeron at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 29.

"If rationally our general chairman's thinking is not good, then we will definitely say it's not good. It means that what this government shows is good progress. Therefore, it is not just praising, seen there. As soon as we see the progress is good, of course our chairman will say good. That is the rationality attitude of the Democrats," he continued.

The West Java electoral district member said that from the start the Democrats stated that they would be very rational in seeing the steps and programs carried out by the government. When AHY saw that the development of the IKN project was very good, said Herman, of course the Democratic Party was also satisfied with President Jokowi's performance.

"Therefore, of course Mas AHY has seen the situation of IKN and its progress is very good, objectively, so it is conveyed that it is Mas AHY's rationality attitude. That he is very satisfied with what President Jokowi built," said Herman.

Previously, the Chairman of the Democratic Party who had just been inaugurated as Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) for the first time visited the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara. AHY admitted that he was amazed when he set foot in the location he had criticized.

Actually, AHY's visit to East Kalimantan (Kaltim) was to distribute land certificates in his capacity as ATR/BPN ministers. However, because he was in East Kalimantan, AHY all visited the IKN project initiated by Jokowi.

"The first impression I was amazed by what was President Jokowi's start. I had stepped on it directly (at Zero Point), holding the milestone directly below," AHY said in a statement shared by the Public Relations of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Wednesday, February 28.

It is known, before joining the government, AHY was quite harsh in criticizing President Jokowi's government. One of the things that AHY criticized was the development of IKN in East Kalimantan.

This criticism was conveyed by AHY in his political speech at the Rapimnas of the Democratic Party, last Friday, September 16, 2022. At that time, AHY mentioned that the construction of infrastructure projects that were too jor-joran in the midst of the economy was difficult.

"When state finances are very heavy, plus a high debt burden, it is necessary to reschedule or postpone it," AHY criticized.

The eldest son of the 6th President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also reminded that the IKN development period needs to be considered. Given, moving the capital takes a relatively long time.

The Democratic Party note is that the IKN must be conceptualized, planned and prepared as well as possible. If not, then the construction could fail," said AHY.

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