Handling 507 Cases, Regency Government Set Jepara Emergency Response DHF
Officers absorb residential areas to eradicate Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that cause Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). (Between-Iggoy el Fitra)
JEPARA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Jepara in Central Java (Central Java) has declared an emergency response status of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) following the many findings of cases and the death of the victim. "The Jepara Regency Government has established an emergency response status for dengue fever since February 23, 2024," said Acting Regent of Jepara Edy Supriyanta when contacted from Kudus, Thursday, February 29, as quoted by Antara. The determination of the emergency response status follows the outbreak of dengue cases to the large number of patients that must be handled by hospitals and health centers. The Jepara District Health Office (Dinkes) recorded the findings of dengue cases as of February 22, 2024, totaling 507 cases. With details of 436 suspects, 62 positive cases of dengue fever, and nine deaths. To resolve the case, a coordination meeting was held for all ranks, village heads, heads of health centers, hospitals, and a number of organizations. The Jepara Regency Government invites all parties to commit and care to strengthen institutions through the operational work group (Pokjanal DHF).
Efforts to socialize and educate the community will also be increased. Meanwhile, the efforts recommended by the community are to eradicate mosquito nests (3M plus) on a regular basis. Also, quick response to case reports by conducting epidemiological investigations and follow-up. Especially for the Health Office, they are asked to coordinate prevention and handling efforts, as well as improve the competence of health workers in dengue management. Including providing medicines, infusion fluids, consumable medical materials for health centers.

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