TERNATE - The Ternate Search and Rescue Office, North Maluku (Malut), received a report that one passenger on the Ternate-Sanana route crashed.

Head of the Operations and Alert Section of the Ternate Basarnas, Bram Madya, said that after receiving the report, Ternate SAR coordinated with relevant agencies to plan to search for victims.

Furthermore, at 11.00 WIT, Rescuer Basarnas Ternate using RIB 04 moved to LKP to conduct a search operation for the victim named Hayun (37), a resident of Ternate City.

Chronology of the incident, the victim who had just left the bathroom had time to sit on the guardrail. At that time the victim fell from the ship.

Furthermore, the witness who saw the incident shouted and reported to the Command room of KM Al Sudais 21 with the captain of Bustamina Baya.

KM Alsudais conducted a search effort by making a round of 7 times at the point of the victim's fall, but to no avail.

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