YOGYAKARTA - Umrah is one of the most noble worships in demand by the Indonesian Muslim community. To fulfill the needs of Muslims in carrying out Umrah worship, there are currently many travel agents who offer their services. Want to know how to check official Umrah travel?

However, the large number of travel agencies does not necessarily provide benefits for God's guests. In fact, we still find fraud problems or things that are detrimental to prospective Umrah pilgrims by a handful of rogue agent travel bureaus.

To anticipate the formation of fraud problems attempted by rogue agents, we urge all people who will perform Umrah to be on guard and selective in sorting out Umrah travel. As a form of caution, the first thing that must be done is to find information about travel services that will accompany us to Baitullah.

The early step that can be done is to ensure that the Umrah travel bureau has an official permit from the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. Well, for those of you who don't know how to check Umrah travel permits, here are 2 easy ways that can be tried online;

1. Check Umrah Travel Permits Through The Site Of The Ministry Of Religion

The trick is to immediately open the website of the Ministry of Religion.go.id (the official website of the Ministry of Religion).

After the wesbsite is open, please type the name of the Umrah travel bureau in the existing search field, then after that click the PPIU search button.

Well, if the Umrah travel that is checked is really officially registered with the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, then detailed information will appear between the Umrah travel bureau.

Starting from the company name, no SK (no PPIU permit), accreditation status, director name, and contact and the full address of the office. But if the information in question does not appear on the official website of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag), it is certain that the Umrah travel agent concerned does not yet have a permit as the Umrah Iabdah Travel Organizer.

2. Check Umrah Travel Permits Through Smart Umrah Applications

Seain goes through the Ministry of Religion website, checking the second Umrah travel permit can be done through the Smart Umrah application. The trick, please install the Smart Umrah application to your smartphone first. After the application is installed perfectly, just open/open immediately. after the preparation is open, on the main page please select the PPIU menu.

To make it easier, you check the Umrah travel permit according to your wishes, please type or enter the travel name in the "Look for PPIU" column.

Well... if the Umrah travel service that you check has obtained an official permit as the Umrah Travel Organizer (PPIU) from the Ministry of Religion, the data will appear on this Smart Umrah application in detail.

In addition, in order to obey the rules of Umrah worship, read also: The Ministry of Religion does not recommend Umrah Backpacker Style to find out the reason.

So after knowing how to check official Umrah travel, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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