JAKARTA - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has not yet to think about a future step regarding the term of office of the Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah.

Nurdin Abdullah was arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for being involved in suspected bribery. Originally there were still about three years of office left.

Secretary-General of the PDI-P Central Management Board, Hasto Kristiyanto said that until now, the party was still waiting for developments in the handling of the case.

"We are still waiting for further explanation from the KPK," said Hasto to reporters, Sunday, February 28.

Hasto also said that at this time the party still did not believe in Nurdin Abdullah's involvement in the case. Because Nurdin Abdullah's track record is very good.

"Because he has a very good track record. Is there an x-factor that we don't know yet," he said.

Apart from that, Hasto emphasized that his party respects the ongoing legal process. There is no intervention in case handling.

"I think it's an attitude that falls within the corridors of our adherence to the legal process without political intervention," close Hasto.

Previously, Hasto said that PDIP would provide advocacy assistance to the Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah.

The plan to provide advocacy assistance is the result of input from PDIP South Sulawesi cadres.

"In principle, looking at his leadership, the input given from the ranks of the PDI Perjuangan Regional Representative Council of South Sulawesi, so that the party provides advocacy," said Hasto.

However, the plan to provide advocacy assistance is still awaiting the development of the case of the alleged bribery and gratification. Hasto emphasized that the provision of advocacy assistance does not mean intervening in the legal process.

"Therefore, we are still waiting for further developments on this matters," said Hasto.

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