SERANG - A total of seven polling stations (TPS) in Curug District, Serang City, Banten are recommended to re-calculate due to administrative violations.

The Head of the Technical Division of the Serang City KPU Organizer Patrudin, said that based on recommendations from the Serang City Bawaslu, when the plenary recapitulation of the sub-district level of 7 polling stations in Kamanian Village, a recount must be carried out for the Serang City DPRD ballot.

"Yes, there are parties who do not accept it and there are parties who want a recount. There is an issue that one candidate does not receive the results and then there is mass mobilization. Actually, it is their internal problem but our obligation when there is a suggestion to recalculate must be done," explained Patrudi, Tuesday, February 27.

Patrudin said that the seven polling stations that must be re-calculated during the plano in the sub-district are Polling Stations 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, and Polling Station 018, Kamanian Village.

"The two legislative candidates who received and did not receive the recount were both from the Golkar Party," he said.

According to him, the plenary recapitulation of Curug District, which was originally located at SMPN 11 Serang City, had to be transferred to the Serang City KPU office. It aims to maintain conduciveness during the implementation of the plano.

"The recapitulation platform will be carried out on February 27, 2024, until it is completed. All for Kamanian Village at 23 polling stations. For 23 polling stations, we hold plenaries at the KPU office in Serang City," he said.

Patrudin said that the re-voting was carried out on the report of the political party witness because there were indications of an error in recording the polling group (KPPS) officers who recorded the wrong results on the C form. Results of the plano of the Serang City DPRD.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Serang City Bawaslu, Agus Aan Hermawan, said that the recapitulation plano was moved because he considered several things such as security and accessibility. If there are parties who object to the acquisition of votes, it is better to submit it during the recapitulation plano at the sub-district level.

"There are those who can argue in the plenary session, witnesses, supervisors, organizers. If there is an objection there is a mechanism," he said. So that after being clarified the results are administrative violations and must be recalculated.

"There is a discrepancy between what should have been written and what was read. This means that in document C the results are different. After clarifying some witnesses there are but there are no results. For the city of the Serang City DPRD," he said.

Agus also asked parties who were not satisfied with the election results to take legal action either to Bawaslu or to the Constitutional Court.

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