TANGERANG - A number of new students at Pamulang University (Unpam) claimed to have received a nasty chat terror from their seniors. The chat terror contains sentences of harassment to the invitation to commit obscene acts. One of the victims, N, tells the chronology of the incident that started with the perpetrator who contacted him through private conversations of the WA application. He cheated with the sentence of harassment. "He asked for a gaze bra, then 17 centite doyan is not beb,?", said the victim imitating the chat content of the perpetrator when confirmed, Tuesday, February 27. He suspected that the perpetrator was not only alone, because several other female students claimed to have received the same terror from different mobile numbers. Although there was also one of the perpetrators using the same number of students to terrorize several students. "The perpetrators turned out to be Kating of the Prodi (Program Study)," he said. Meanwhile, Komnas Perempuan urged the Unpam University's rectorate to urge Unpam to arrest suspected perpetrators of verbal sexual harassment in the form of perverted chats to its juniors. Because for him, the campus should be able to protect his students, so they can enjoy teaching and learning activities calmly. Komnas Perempuan regrets this incident, which shows that the treatment of sexually objecting women is still a practice that has been carried out by a number of parties and disrupts the process of young women specifically to be able to enjoy education rights, "said Komnas Perempuan Chairperson, Andy Yentriyani.
Andy also asked the Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (PPKS) at Pamulang University to move quickly to find and arrest the alleged senior perpetrator at Pamulang University. "The formation of PPKS is an important first step for campuses to be able to address the issue of sexual violence," he said.
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