JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) still does not want to be involved in the use of the DPR's right to inquiry to reveal allegations of fraud in the 2024 presidential election which was echoed by presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo.

The chairman of the PPP DPP, Achmad Baidowi or Awiek, admitted that his party is currently focusing on guarding PPP votes so that they can again qualify for parliament. It is known that the votes acquired by the Kaaba party are still anxious because it is still below 4.1 percent. "We are still thinking about vote counting, still guarding vote counting in the field. Even if there is fraud, we collect evidence, we are collecting data, we are studying it," he said, Monday, February 26. Questioning the statement of the Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of PAN, Yandri Susanto, who criticized the right of inquiry, only targeted the votes of the presidential election without a Pileg vote, Awiek also did not want much comment. Because according to him, the DPR is still undergoing a recess.

"Because today is still a recess, we still haven't focused on it (the right of inquiry, ed)," said Awiek.

Caleg DPR dapil Jawa Timur XI itu menegaskan saat ini PPP masih fokus mengawal suara Pileg 2024 sehingga belum merespons lebih dalam terkait hak angket DPR. "Fokus kita mengawal proses rekapitulasi suara, karena kita ingin lolos ke parlemen. Kami masih di lapangan ngawal suara untuk memastikan PPP lolos PT 4 persen," tegas Awiek. Sebelumnya, Waketum PAN Yandri Susanto protes capres nomor urut 3, Ganjar Pranowo terus menyerukan penggunaan hak angket di DPR. Sebab menurut Yandri, seharusnya Ganjar tak hanya mengusulkan hak angket DPR untuk mengusut dugaan kecurangan di Pilpres tapi juga Pileg 2024.

"If you really want to be questioned, also question the legislative election. For what reason? The incident is the same, in the same second, at the same time, on the same day, then the same voting committee, the paper given is the same. So if it is questioned the presidential election, it must be a package with a legislative issue," Yandri told reporters, Friday, February 23.

"Because once again, people called for the same TPS, the same ballot booth, the ballot papers given by each voter candidate are the same, the voting committee is the same. So why is only the presidential election being questioned, while the legislative or DPD elections are not questioned?" he continued.

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