KEPRI - A ship carrying 30 students was adrift in the waters of the Anambas Islands, Natuna, Riau Islands (Kepri) due to engine failure.

Head of the Natuna Basarnas Office Abdul Rahman said all passengers on the ship had been evacuated by his side. The passengers were 30 students of SMPN 1 Palatak, Anambas Islands Regency.

"We received information at around 15.00 WIB from the Anambas Islands Regency BPBD," he said when contacted, Monday, February 26, was confiscated by Antara.

Abdul said the incident occurred on Sunday, February 25. Students, he continued, at that time were about to return to their respective homes after carrying out camp activities on Snul Island, Anambas Islands Regency. "After being analyzed regarding the need for help needed, we deployed one unit of RIB 02 Natuna and three rescuers from the Anambas SAR Post to provide assistance," he said.

Ia memastikan evakuasi yang dilakukan merupakan evakuasi biasa.Koordinat peristiwa tersebut yakni 3° 22.621'N - 106° 20.944'E atau sejauh 11.4 nautical mile dari Pos SAR Kabupaten Kepulauan Anambas dan saat itu cuaca dalam baik.Ia menambah, pada evakuasi tersebut pihaknya dibantu oleh Polairud Anambas, BPBD Anambas, Damkar Anambas serta masyarakat di wilayah itu.Kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang telah membantu mengevakuasi dirinya mengucapkan terima kasih."Seluruh pelajar yang berjumlah 30 orang tiba di Pelabuhan Ladan Kabupaten Anambas dengan kondisi selamat, seluruh personel dan alut dalam keadaan baik hingga kembali tiba di Pos SAR Anambas," ujar dia.

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