The General Elections Commission (KPU) released data on the vote count of the presidential election at the sub-district level as of 02.05 WIB Friday, February 23, early in the morning, reaching 39.32 percent.

"We need to convey that the meeting for the recapitulation period of vote calculations at PPK and PLN until today, Friday, February 23 at 2 o'clock this morning at 02.05 WIB," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari at the KPU building, South Jakarta, Friday 23 February.

Hasyim explained, for the presidential and vice presidential elections, the sub-district-level electoral committee (PPK) has completed the plenary recapitulation of vote acquisition at the sub-district level of 2,905 sub-districts or 39.92 percent.

Meanwhile, plenary recapitulation of vote count for the sub-district-level presidential election is still in the process of 2,660 sub-districts (36.55 percent) and 1,712 sub-districts (23.53 percent) have not been recapitulated.

The KPU also submitted data on the progress of the recapitulation of the election calculation of the House of Representatives (DPR), the Regional Representative Council (DPD), the Provincial Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), and the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).

The following is an update on the recapitulation of voting results at the sub-district level as of February 23:

Presidential Elections- Done: 2,905 sub-districts (39,92 percent)- Process: 2,660 sub-districts (36.55 percent)- Not yet recapitulated: 1,712 sub-districts (23.53 percent)


- Completed: 2,781 sub-districts (38.22 percent)- Process: 2,795 sub-districts (38.4 percent)- Not recapitulated: 1,701 sub-districts (23.38 percent)


- Completed: 2,790 sub-districts (38.34 percent)- Process: 2,728 sub-districts (37.49 percent)- Not yet recapitulated: 1,759 sub-districts (24.17 percent)

Provincial DPRD

- Completed: 2,725 sub-districts (37.45 percent)- Process: 2,744 sub-districts (37.71 percent)- Not yet recapitulated: 1,808 sub-districts (24.84 percent)

Regency/City DPRD

- Completed: 2,703 sub-districts (37.37 percent)- Process: 2,518 sub-districts (34.81 percent)- Not yet recapitulated: 2,012 sub-districts (27.82 percent)

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