TANGERANG South Tangerang Police (Tangsel) is following up on reports of alleged bullying that occurred in the International Kindergarten (TK) in Serpong area, South Tangerang.

Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Wendy confirmed the report. He said that his party was currently investigating the case.

"It is true that the victim has made a police report (LP) to the South Tangerang Police. For now, the investigation team of the South Tangerang Police PPA unit has checked the crime scene," Wendy told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Friday, February 23.

Wendy said that her party had checked the crime scene (TKP) to confirm the truth of the case.

"For now, from the investigation team of the South Tangerang Police PPA unit, we have checked the crime scene. Then we have carried out an investigation plan for further steps," he said.

Regarding the injuries to the victim's body, he admitted that he still could not convey further because there had to be a doctor's statement.

"Until now, we are still waiting for official results from the doctor, for the results or the post-mortem," he concluded.

Reyna Mulyana, an old man who reported a kindergarten student at an international school at BSD Serpong South Tangerang (Tangsel), for the violence experienced by his grandson.

The report made by Reyna is not to criminalize a small child, but to make the school aware to respond to problems.

"Yes, actually (the report) is not to the child. That's to the school. Because after all, his party must be professional. So I am very disappointed with the school," said Reyna Mulyana when met at the South Tangerang Police, recently.

Reyna considers what happened to her grandson at the school is not trivial. Because, according to Reyna, her grandson was severely traumatized and did not want to go to school because of the violence she experienced.

Trauma is heavy. If you want to be invited to the school first. Buy cars and then buy toys. Buy bread, then when you get to school you don't want to go down after being delivered," Reyna said.

Therefore, by making a report, the school is willing to take a wise attitude. Moreover, so that a similar incident does not happen again.

"So that he feels comfortable at school. Because we don't pay cheaply at this school. We ask for everything to be served. Same, don't side with this or side with it," he concluded.

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